Christmas is my favorite time of year. The trees and lights, the songs and festivities, all of the traditions that we have as a family, give me a warm and cozy feeling that escapes me the rest of the year.
This holiday season brings an added set of emotions, as this will be our last Christmas in our home and with Grace Point. While we are getting the decorations out of storage we will be sorting and disposing of unneeded items, completing all of those unfinished projects that didn’t seem so urgent, and signing a contract with a realtor to list our house on the market February 1st. This journey that started what seems like so long ago is quickly coming to fruition.
This past year has been amazing to see the Lord confirm over and over again that this is where he is calling us to go. In August 2007 I went on my first trip to Honduras and we were introduced to The Micah Project. From the moment we arrived at the front door we felt as if we were home. Our ministry under the Burnside Bridge with Bridgetown had been perfect training for Micah.
We immediately fell in love with the country, the people, the boys, and the mission of Micah. In March we went back as a family to introduce our kids to Honduras and to Micah and to see if they, too, were open to God’s leading. After spending many Friday nights at Bridgetown with us, the streets of Honduras were not surprising to them. They did not see a third world country or a place of poverty. They saw beautiful countryside and people that need the love of Christ. They connected with the boys at Micah from the beginning and what a joy it was to watch Brian James play “shoot ‘em up” with Marvincito in the kitchen at the Leadership House.
Little Marvin, as he is called, came to Micah just 8 months earlier. He had lived on the streets of Tegucigalpa for more than half of his 13 years and a good portion of that addicted to the yellow glue that ravages many of their lives. He struggles hard with his addiction and was somewhat cold and untrusting. But on this day he spent 2 hours playing like a little boy should. Tears filled my eyes, and those of other missionaries, as we wondered how many times in his shattered life he had been able to play with such abandon. As we left that night Marvincito was smiling from ear to ear and hugging everyone goodbye, something he rarely did. I knew then that not only would Brian and I play a role in Micah, but that the Lord would use my sons to touch the lives of these boys like only another child can.
After returning from that trip we began the process of finding a mission board to go out under. We were introduced to Action by fellow missionaries currently serving in the Philippines. We liked that they are a local (Seattle) organization and are interdenominational. One of the mottos at Bridgetown is that you drop your denomination when you come through the door; you stop being a Baptist (or whatever) and start being a part of the body of Christ.
With Micah being started by members of an Evangelical Presbyterian church and us being members of a Conservative Baptist church, it was a perfect fit to go with a Board that was not of any one particular denomination. And so after filling out forms and having letters of reference submitted, we were formally commissioned by Action International in September as full time missionaries to The Micah Project in Tegucigalpa Honduras. The seeds of passion for Honduras that were planted in Brian’s heart on that first mission trip in 2005 will bloom almost 4 years to the day from that date we will be on the ground beginning the next chapter of our lives.
Brian was again part of the Grace Point annual mission trip to Honduras in June this year which consisted of 2 main focuses. The first half of the trip was spent in Siquatepeque with Patrick and Debbie O’Connor putting on the first ever conference for Pastor’s and their families. Over 60 Pastors attended, some saying this was the first time they had ever been able to take a “vacation” with their entire family. Most are shepherding churches in very remote rural areas and live on very little. The team was blessed to be able to minister to these families that have given their lives for the kingdom.
The second half of the trip was spent in Tegucigalpa at Micah. It was huge to have our Grace Point family see first hand and agree that this is where the Lord wants us. Several days were spent in the market place doing Bridgetown Honduras, washing feet and bringing food for the kids that live on the streets. They met Cezar and gave him a wordless bracelet, and Brian was pleased to see that he was still wearing it last week. They built a small home for a couple and their 2-year old that were homeless and they worked at Villa Linda Miller.
November 12th Brian returned from a week long trip where he was able to witness the high school graduation of Marvin, Pedro, and Oscar, three boys that formerly lived on the streets and had no hope of a future. To see them standing in suits and ties holding their diplomas, evidence of a future, was an emotional experience for all. Their sense of pride in accomplishing what none of them thought possible was only rivaled at the sense of awe and wonder in the God that specifically chose them to raise up as mighty men of God. Marvin will be going to college in Mexico to study music ministry, Pedro and Oscar are spending 6 months with YWAM before going on to college. They bring the total to 16 boys that have come through Micah and are now in college getting an education that will be used to change the face of their nation.
The Micah Board of Directors was there for the graduation and Saturday Brian sat in on the 7-hour board meeting. He presented the vision for the vocational school which was met with enthusiasm and all around support. The scope and ideas were able to be honed to a more concise plan and a 14 acre piece of land next to Villa Linda Miller is being strongly considered as the site for the school. Teach Biblically, Train Technically, Build Relationally…that is the mission statement that will govern the school. We believe the foundation in Christ is the most crucial part of the training program. Being empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and having the knowledge of who they are in Christ will give them the attitude needed to persevere and succeed in spite of the odds against them from the world in which they live.
Brian will also be instrumental in expanding the current street ministry, reaching out to those that are still there. Only through a constant, consistent presence can they begin to have the hope that they are of value and that life can be different. He will also be using his training at Multnomah in Leadership and Counseling to mentor and disciple the boys currently in the Micah House. I will be taking over the administrative functions that Michael Miller is currently juggling. In addition to being the Executive Director, Michael is the head teacher and caretaker to the 12 boys living at Micah. I look forward to being able to take the added burden of the secretarial nuts and bolts of the organization off of his overburdened shoulders and being able to use the skills God has given me to glorify Him and further His kingdom.
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Brian and Natasha Wiggs
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The final call for Honduras Gumbo
10 years ago
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