Okay, now that you've got that tune stuck in your head...tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of our arrival in Honduras! We have been told there are several things that you need to live through to see if you can handle life in Honduras:
- Tarantulas - check
- Snakes - check
- Rats - check
- Scorpions - check
- Cockroaches - check
- Lice - yup, check
Had them all, we're still here, looks like we made it!
Brian James has been posting occasionally to a blog we set up for the boys. Beans and Rice is the name of their blog and if you get a chance check it out once in awhile.
Congrats on one year. It's a milestone. I am glad I have not experienced all your critters. Of course, I don't live in the mountains or have a home full of boys. More adventures are waiting!
The Kingdom of God! Sounds kind of heavenly, doesn’t it. But is it? Or is it right here on earth now in the midst of us all? Let’s see what the Holy Bible has to say about it.
In Matthew 12:28, Jesus tells the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God has come upon them. In Mark 12:34, He also tells the scribe that he is not far from the Kingdom of God.
In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gives Peter the keys to the Kingdom, and then establishes His Church on Peter the Rock. Jesus says that whatever this Church binds on earth shall be bound in heaven, where Jesus reigns now.
So what does all of this tell us? It tells us that the Kingdom of God was established on earth by Jesus Christ in the year 33 AD, in the form of His Church, led by Peter.
The Bible says in Luke 17:20-21 that the establishment of the Kingdom will not be accompanied by signs, which would presumably preclude angelic trumpet blasts and dead people coming back to life.
Instead, Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is in the midst of us, now. And Jesus said in Matthew 28:18 that all authority in heaven and on earth has already been given to Him.
Isn’t it an insult for us to say that that statement isn’t a reference to His Kingdom having already being established? And where is the Kingdom of God on earth? It would be in the Tabernacle at each and every Catholic Church, where Jesus Christ is truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, in the Eucharist!
He’s waiting for you to come see Him and talk to Him, right now! And the really good news is that everyone who is in the state of grace is a prince or princess of this Kingdom, right now!
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