Saturday, July 5, 2008

Supprised by God

This would surprise anyone, finding a "local" in the sink when brushing your teeth.

Pastor's Conference

The first week was filled with the wonderful work of God at the pastors conference. What these men and their families are doing in the remote areas of Honduras is amazing. I was part of the Youth team which is a little out of my box, if you know me. Amy, Brian Nelson, Brad, Nydia and I challenged the youth to make their faith their own. It was a time of growth for all of us. Brian Nelson shared his testimony and how God uses the most broken to do his work. Brad shared from the aspect of being a P.K. The next night, Saturday, we had a bonnfire with the young men and women. Amy, Brads cousin, shared her story and then we asked for the young men and women to share stories of their own. This was difficult for them as most were shy, but God opened hearts and before we knew it the youth were opening one after another. I then shared part of my story and gave them a chance to "Pick up their Cross". Out of approximately 50 youth, 26 came forward and Picked up their Cross, symbolized by the 50 or so small wooden crosses on a bench at the edge of the fire. It was truly a God moment. The next day Brad gave an invitation and the rest of the youth came forward. We commissioned them to "Go" as we placed a bracelet (like the Livestrong one's you see but with the Gospel on them) in different colors and challenged each one not to keep it but to pass it on within a month to some one who did not know the Lord. What a powerful time! We also had fun time with the pitching machine which was a huge blast.

Heading to Micah, "Going Home". But wait!

God has a Plan

I thought we were all done in Sequat and the Lord was getting us ready for the week ahead. But as we stood in front of the hotel all packed up to go to the Micah Project, a man walking down the road with half a lemon in one hand and a half empty bottle of Vodka in the other comes up to me asking for money. I said I had some thing better than money for him and with the
help of a little rubber bracelet shared the Gospel with him. His name is Effrine and you could see his face and body change as the Holy Spirt filled his body. He became sober as he received Christ, gave me his bottle and had me dump it out in the name of Jesus. We then fed him and connected him with one of the local pastors in Sequat, who was at the pastors conference. Once again, I was surprised by God. What away to start the day!

Gracepoint Meets Micah

Hello everyone, sorry it has taken this long to get this post up, but while we were in Honduras my attention was fully consumed by the work that God was doing, whether it
was the team or the 4 different projects we were all involved with at Micah. I will try to relate some of what the Lord did while we were there.

Micah Dinner

Bridgetown Honduras

Big B ready to dig!

The is amazing that the best view in town is in the dump.

When we arrived at the Micah project it was like being home again only this time
I was bringing a bunch of friends along for a sleep over. The first night we had dinner with Michael Miller, the director of Micah, Micah missionaries Rebecka and Dan, and 20 or so of some of the most amazing young men one could have the pleasure to meet. After we finished the meal and some visiting it was back down the hill to rest for the coming days of construction, outreach and V.B.S.

Just when I thought I was done for the night the Lord answered a prayer I had to meet Juan Carlos. As I walked outside Michael introduced me to a young man he had written about a couple months back, the one who was caught breaking into the Micah House. Michael has been working with Carlos for a little while now and wanted me to share my testimony with him and as I talked with him I felt a heart connection. Brian Nelson was there as well and little did we know that this meeting would result in a "band of brothers" being formed. We set a meeting for the next night, where Brian Nelson would share his testimony, but before we left I gave Carlos an opportunity to receive Christ. He replied "I don't want to make an emotional decision. I don't want to fail God again". We hugged and Brian N and I walked down the hill toward the hotel with angels.

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