Monday, September 8, 2008

Training at Action

We did the 3 hour drive yesterday to Seattle for our week of training with Action. They have put us up in one of the supporters apartments, and she just happens to be house sitting for her sister. It's very quiet with no kids and also very strange to not have the demands of the house screaming for attention. Perhaps this week will be a bit of rest for us also.

We are both a jumble of emotions. Very excited to be making this completely official, but also feeling very humbled. The reality of becoming full time missionaries is begining to sink in and our shortcomings and the areas of our lives that need some shoring up are coming into full focus. Somehow when you're living just the "regular" Christian life it is easy to let certain things slide because of our loving heavenly Father's Grace. But working and serving full time in ministry is somewhat like living in a fish bowl. Those we serve will see Jesus as they see us. Will they see grace, love, committment, and truth? Or will they see judgement, condemnation, ambiguity, and self serving motives?

Steve's sermon yesterday hit home in a powerful way. I could actually envision Christ dying on the cross, for me! And as he spoke about the command to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him, I could see myself carryng that beam, walking behind Jesus up the hill to Golgatha. Am I that committed to serving Him, following Him? I have to be. For those we go to serve to see Christ in me I have to be committed to following Him unto death.

And so we ask for all of your prayers, for it will be only by the grace and power of Jesus that we can live as we are called. The flesh cries out for what it "deserves", but the Spirit knows that the only way is to live a life sold out to Christ. Is there some apprehension about this path God has us on? Absolutely! Many think we're crazy, walking away from the lives we have here to go into the unknown. Why would we give up everything we have and move to a third world country? What about your kids? How will you get all of your "stuff" back when you decide to move back? But when we hear these things, and when our own doubts occasionally creep in, we rely on God's word " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. And so as we take a few more steps into that future, we keep our eyes focused on Him and the blessings that are ahead.

Thank you all for your love and support. Love and blessings to all of you that carry us on wings of prayer. We will check back in with you as the week goes on.


1 comment:

Jon Knapp said...

Praying for you guy! Proud of you also!

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