Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bridgetown Global Arrives!

Marshall Snider and several others arrived today for the first ever Bridgetown Global short term mission trip.  We are excited to have them here to see how God is moving at lightning speed with the Micah Technical School.  Please pray that they will be blessed to see the hand of God here, and  for safety and good health during the trip.

Tomorrow Drew and Meg Smith, and Meg's sister will be arriving to begin working with the Micah Mom's on another possible product for them to market and to gear up and participate in the reception Monday night at Simon Kafie's house.  Please pray for safe travel for them also and that they be open vessels for the Holy Spirit to do His work with the moms and those that attend the reception.

Hannah Rogers will then arrive Thursday to join the Bridgetown team for the duration of their trip.  Please pray for safe travel and a time of blessing for Hannah.

Thank you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wiggs. . .

Way to go on the next web-site! Very inviting! I am excited to be with you folks along with the gang from GPCC in July, and to actually participate in a HUGE GOD THING!!
Love you four. . .Pastor Steve

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