Monday, August 23, 2010

They Gave The First Day a 5

Well, when I picked up the boys I asked them how their day went on a scale from 1 - 10 and both of them gave it a 5.  I guess that's pretty good all things considered. 

Brian's class had a birthday party for one of the girls complete with a Pink Panther pinata.  There are only 4 boys total in his class and about 15 girls and since it was one of the girls birthdays they all went first.  When it came time for the first boy to take a turn, all the girls jumped in the air, snatched Pinky to the ground and stomped on him.  One eye went flying across the room, a foot came off, his nose was severed.  Wow.  Sugar and spice and everything nice, huh?  Not so much.

Michael had girls around him all day, according to the director.  He got a laugh out of the class when he told them how much he hated our home school curriculum by saying "it's a Christian curriculum but somehow all the characters look like Mormon's."  Aye yay yay.  He talked to several of the boys in his class, at one point discussing favorite bands and when one of them said he liked Metallica, Michael said "you'll get along great with my mom."  Again, aye yay yay.

Day 1 comes peacefully to an end.  Thank you to all of you that prayed. 

Muchas gracias,


1 comment:

carogers said...

HAHAHA! oh hilarious day! Thanks Natasha, for a peek into a day of your life! x

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