Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spring Burst 2011

Do you like to run?  Do you like to walk?  CAN you walk?

If you answered yes to any of these questions it's time to sign up now for Spring Burst 2011!  For a 3rd year proceeds from the 5k and 10k races will benefit Micah Technical School. 

Micah Technical School, part of The Micah Project in Tegucigalpa Honduras, seeks not to provide a hand out, but provide hope and change lives through practical means:

Monday night discipleship - building the foundation for life change by creating men of character.

Teaching them a skill that can provide a living wage in:



Equipping and releasing the older students to teach younger students.

Providing them an opportunity to reach out and serve
the poor and needy with Friday soccer and dinner.

Teaching them to not only receive, but to give back
and enjoy a sense of community.

How do you get involved?

  • Go to
  • Register for the race
  • Go to
  • Create your own fundraising page
  • Send your page to your online network and ask them to support you in Spring Burst 2011
  • OR click on the FirstGiving icon to the left and donate today
Did I mention there will be prizes?  Yes, there will be PRIZES!

Participants raising more than $1,000 will receive a keepsake box like one of those pictured above, hand crafted by our carpentry students.

$500-999 level participants will receive a Micah Project Sigg Water Bottle

$100-499 level participants will receive a Micah Project T-shirt

And everyone raising over $30 will receive a Micah Project Trek Bottle

Sign up today and run your butt off for the severely impoverished in Honduras!

1 comment:

Drew Smith said...

Wow -you guys get it! Helping the poor gain dignity through first helping them gain Christian character then helping them develop the skills within them to support themselves, their families and their communities. Their is not enough "foreign aid" in the world to accomplish the transformation you do - and you do it without a penny of government support!

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